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Monday, November 30, 2015

Is this real....(PHOTOS) Toyin Aimakhu shows off new lover.


Latest pictures of Toyin Aimakhu and Seun Egbegbe, a Yoruba filmmaker, in quixotic positions may have finally put to rest any hopes of reconciliation between the actress and her estranged actor husband, Adeniyi Johnson.

Few months ago, it was rumoured that Toyin was secretly seeing Egbegbe, who has been accused in the past of dating top Yoruba actresses.

But going by the latest photographs, their alleged affair may not be secret anymore.

You will recall that reported in the heat of her troubled marriage that Toyin and Egbegbe travelled to Dubai. We later reported that she was now living with the young man in his Ikeja residence.

Though we are yet to confirm if the lovers are planning to walk down the aisle, but we learnt they are both madly in love with each other.

Boko Haram Ranked Ahead of ISIS as World's Deadliest Terror Group

Boko Haram, is now the deadliest terrorist group in the world after being responsible for 6,664 deaths last year. It has killed more than any other terrorist group in the world, including the Islamic State, which killed 6,073 people in 2014, according to a report released Wednesday tracking terrorist attacks globally.

The Global Terrorism Index is an annual report by the New York City-based Institute for Economics and Peace. It tracks global deaths from terror attacks, which it defines as “an intentional act of violence or threat of violence by a non-state actor.”

The index distinguishes between terror attacks and battlefield deaths, and notes that the majority of people killed by the Islamic State die in combat, including at least 20,000 people in 2014.
The total death toll of Boko Haram violence is also thought to be higher than the terror-related deaths tallied in the report. The highly respected Nigeria Security Tracker, compiled by the U.S.-based Council on Foreign Relations, found that over 6,000 people were killed in clashes between Boko Haram and Nigerian forces in 2014.

I am guessing they are proud of themselves... smh

Things Some Women Do For Popularity…Very Disturbing.**MUST SEE PHOTOS**

Women, Women, Women! You can Live with them, you Can’t live without them! Women “Run” the world. Women “Run” the economy and men, like it or not, Women RUN You! A woman is a very strong being. Strong in the sense that what she wants, she will get. She will get it like it or not. It doesn’t matter how strong of a man you are or you think you are, a woman will always have her way.
Great men in history have been brought down by WOMEN. Great Presidents, Scholars, Politicians, Priests….the list goes on and on. Women are manipulative. Women are crafty and very witty. The power of a woman should never be underestimated.
The thirst of a woman too, should not be underestimated. Especially the thirst to become popular. The thirst to get all eyes on her and to be the “Show Stopper”. Of late, women are doing the scariest of things just to be noticed. Wearing crazy clad that you can’t even think of wearing even when alone, taken crazy pictures and posting them online just for “Cheap” fame and Clubbing wearing nothing but what I call “Handkerchiefs”
Ratchetness has seen a drastic increase especially in Kenya where young Campus and High School girls club wearing “Handkerchiefs”, take trashy pictures and instantly Instagram them to their “fans” (Hungry Wolves/ #TeamMafisi).
Ratchetness is a disease that is spreading faster than Ebola and whose effects leave many shocked. Take a look at a these ratchet photos of beautiful ladies who would do anything just to be popular:
maheeda 1olive 1

olive 2

olive 3

check out Obasanjo in this native attire with US president Jimmy Carter.


Arguably Nigeria’s most successful president, he served two terms in office, and in that time bolstered sustained growth in Nigeria’s economy via large-scale reform in both industry and education. Below we see him wearing Yoruba national dress when meeting US president, Jimmy Carter.
olusegan obasanjo

2 women caught with stolen meat...see how they were exposed.

A South African shared these photos on Facebook. The Zimbawean women, who work at a farm in South Africa were allegedly busted by their boss, trying to make away with meat strapped to their bodies.
women stealing

President Buhari Slash NASS Budget By Over N30bn, NASS Set To Clash With Presidency

Saraki with BuhariThe National Assembly’s budget has reportedly been slashed from N120bn to N90bn, as the Presidency articulates the 2016 zero based budgeting.
According to a Daily Trust report on Sunday, news of the budget slash filtered into the National Assembly hours after President Muhammadu Buhari hosted the Senate leadership on Wednesday at the Presidential Villa.
The purported slash reportedly caught the lawmakers unawares and has thrown the whole assembly into confusion.
The assembly budget normally covers the salaries and allowances of the 109 Senators and 360 House of Representatives members as well as the budget of the National Assembly Commission, National Institute for Legislative Studies (NILS) and the Public Complaints Commission (PCC).
It was learnt that the Presidency would soon transmit the proposed 2016 budget to the National Assembly just as the delay has been attributed to the downward trend of the price of crude oil at the international market.
“The slash of the budget of the National Assembly would be in the proposed 2016 budget.  The Presidency is yet to send the budget because of the crude oil price. They are contemplating on the benchmark of the crude oil to be used in the budget. You know a barrel of the crude oil is around $38.  It was over $100 sometimes ago”, a source close to the Presidency said.
If the proposed slash sails through, it would be the second time that the National Assembly budget would be cut in recent time.
A principal officer of the Senate, who pleaded anonymity, said the news of the budget got to them informally two days ago.
“We got the hint of the slash two days ago but it has not been communicated to us officially. I was told that they have cut N30bn from our budget”, the principal officer said.
A second term Senator from the North-East told Daily Trust on Sunday that: “frankly speaking, there is a lot of corruption in our budget. There is massive corruption in our budget and this is being perpetrated by the leadership of the National Assembly. Nobody is talking because we only carry out oversight on others and nobody is looking at our own activities

Sunday, November 29, 2015

Russian Authority has banned its Football clubs from signing Turkish Players.

Gokdeniz Karadeniz
The sports sanctions will not affect Turkish players already playing in Russia, such as Gokdeniz Karadeniz
Russian clubs will be banned from signing Turkish players during the upcoming winter break.
Relations between the countries have been strained since a Russian warplane was shot down by Turkish forces on the Syrian border, killing one pilot.
Russian sports minister Vitaly Mutko told R-Sport news agency that clubs had "already got the message".
"If anyone wants [to sign a Turkish player] during the break, there will not be such a possibility," he said.
Mutko said the sports sanctions would not affect Turkish players currently playing for Russian soccer clubs, such as Rubin Kazan's midfielder Gokdeniz Karadeniz, who joined the Tatarstan outfit in 2008.
"Everyone who has an existing contract will carry on working," Mutko said.
"They won't be here in the future but at the moment they have contracts and these will not be looked into."
Mutko added that Turkish companies already involved in constructing stadiums for the 2018 World Cup in Russia would be allowed to continue.
The sports ministry has also recommended that Russian football clubs cancel winter training camps to Turkey.
Several sides, including Lokomotiv Moscow, Spartak Moscow, FC Krasnodar and Kuban Krasnodar, have said they would heed the advice.
In addition, Mutko has confirmed that Russian athletes will be able to participate in tournaments organised in Turkey, with maximum security ensured.
He said that the measures that Russia is taking against Turkey will not impact on the calendar of international sports federations

Sunday, November 22, 2015

Former al-Qaeda mufti: I condemn ISIL attacks.....why is he now against Terror?

Abu Hafs al-Mauritani, an Islamic scholar previously with al-Qaeda, discusses the Paris attacks and the rise of ISIL.

 | Al-QaedaISILParis Attacks
Each day we are taking further steps towards a war between civilisations, a war between Islam and Christianity, a war between Sunnis and Shia and a war between Arabs and other nationalities. What I fear most is that if rational people don't realise this, we will miss the chance to stop it and find ourselves in a senseless war in which we will kill each other without even knowing why.
Abu Hafs al-Mauritani, former al-Qaeda Mufti
A former religious adviser to Osama bin Laden, Abu Hafs al-Mauritani has joined a chorus of Muslims in condemning the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) group, denouncing its recent attacks in Paris as going against the tenets of Islam.
In his first interview to an English-TV audience, Mauritani tells Al Jazeera's Sami Zeidan that ISIL has "misunderstood" Islam, just as people in the West might "misunderstand Christianity".
"Islam forbids the killing of innocent people, regardless of whether they are Muslims or non Muslims," he says. "Killing civilians and innocent people ... is unacceptable and has nothing to do with jihad."
A former al-Qaeda ideologue who served on the group's Shura Council, Mauritani left al-Qaeda in August 2001 after disagreeing with bin Laden's decision to target civilians.
After the September 11 attacks, he fled to Iran where he spent 10 years in prison before being extradited to Mauritania.
Speaking from the Mauritanian capital Nouakchott, he accuses ISIL's recruitment methods, citing political and not religious grievances for the group's rise.
He blames the West's support for Israel, "corrupt Arab regimes" and "counter revolutions after the Arab Spring" for the spread of the armed group.
"Why else would they have hit France and not hit the Vatican?" he says. "The Vatican represents western Christianity, why didn’t they attack a church?"
France has been bombing ISIL targets in Syria since late September, and since the Paris attacks has carried out a wave of air strikes on the Syrian city of Raqqa, the de-facto capital of the "Islamic State".
Mauritani, who rejects Baghdadi's claim to be the leader of all Muslims, says ISIL fails to meet the conditions and requirements of a caliphate and is a "fruit" of the US-led occupation of Iraq.
Mauritani also talks to Al Jazeera about why he joined - and left - al-Qaeda and what drives people to join the ranks of ISIL and other armed groups.
Source: Al Jazeera

Thursday, November 19, 2015

We miss Patience Jonathan… but we remember 10 of her famous quotes Adebayo 

So little has been heard of our immediate past first lady, Patience Jonathan, since the conclusion of the presidential polls back in March.
From her impeccable use of made-in-Warri English to her theatrical tear-filled outburst in front of the camera, you just can’t help but miss the great Madam Peace.
These 10 quotes are why her memory will be etched in our minds for ages:
  1. Yes we are happy for the effort, it is not easy to carry second in an international competition like this one (Speaking to the press after Female U19 FIFA World cup).

  1. A good mother takes care of his children.

  1. The bombers who born them? Wasn’t it not a woman? They were once a children now a adult now they are bombing women and children making some children a widow

  1. We should have love for our fellow Nigerians no matter their nationality.

  1. The president was once a child and the Senators were once a children.

  1. Vote ‘umblerra’ and press your finger for ‘umblerra’.

  1. When the people were there o, women were afraid to born child. Women were afraid to produce the kids. They cannot produce. They are afraid, “I should not die” (Speaking on Buhari’s military rule and why he shouldn’t be voted in)

  1. They will continue changing name until they will reach Ebola. And they will call it Ebola. (Speaking to Aba women on APC name change and why they should not be voted in)

  1. Na only you waka come? (To the principal of the school where the Chibok girls were kidnapped)

  1. All these blood we are sharing… there is God o! There is God oooo! (She breaks down in tears)
If you understand English perfectly, then it shouldn’t be hard to spot theawesomeness in these quotes.

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

ISIS TERROR WARNING: Britain NEXT to be ATTACKED by jihadists, supporters claim

BRITAIN is at risk from the next Islamic State attack, supporters of the evil terror group have warned in unconfirmed tweets.

London was last hit by terror attacks in July 2005
They made the chilling threats on Twitter after at least 129 people were killed by a series of co-ordinatedterror attacks on Paris on Friday night.
After gloating about the horror that shocked the world, armchair jihadists tweeted that London could be next.
The twisted tweeters also claimed to have two other major capitals in their sights – Washington DC and Rome.
Paris attacksAFP
French medics evacuate an injured man near to the Bataclan Theater
London was last hit by a terror attack in July 2005, when 52 commuters were killed by suicide bombers linked to Islamist group al-Qaeda.
But officials have reportedly been working tirelessly to thwart ISIS attacks since the militants declared a caliphate last summer.
Last month Andrew Parker, the head of MI5, admitted the security service can "never be confident" in stopping all terror plots against Britain.
Paris attacksAFP
Armchair jihadists gloated about the attacks on Twitter
Washington DC's police department has deployed extra officers to high-profile locations in the city – including the government's Capitol complex.
But aspokeswoman insisted: "There is currently no known threat to the Capitol complex."
Security has also been beefed up at the city's French Embassy but a fashion show went ahead as scheduled at the venue on Saturday.
Hosts paused the event for a moment of silence to honour the tragic victims of the Paris attacks.