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Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Its a Must to Marry Two wives in Eritrea, or face Life inprisonment if No!

Eritrean men are being threatened with jail unless they marry more than one wife, reports say.

A statement allegedly issued by the government of Eritrea is reportedly ordering men to marry at least two wives due to acute shortage of men caused by enormous casualties suffered during the civil war with Ethiopia.
Over 150,000 soldiers were killed during the Eritrean-Ethiopian war between May 1998 to June 2000, a situation which drastically reduced the male population in the tiny Eritrea nation of just 4 million people.
In the statement written in Arabic, the government gave the assurance that it will give financial support to the polygamous marriages.
“Based on the law of God in polygamy, and given the circumstances in which the country is experiencing in terms of men shortage, the Eritrean department of Religious Affairs has decided on the following .”
*First that every man shall marry at least two women and the man who refuses to do so shall be subjected to life imprisonment with hard labour.
*The woman who tries to prevent her husband from marrying another wife shall be punished to life imprisonment.
Source National Mirror

Sunday, January 24, 2016

Photos: Lagos Bar Beach In The 1960s, And How It Looks Like Today!

Lagos Bar beach is arguably the most popular beach in Lagos. The beach is located on Ahmadu Bello way in Victoria Island, Lagos This is how it looked like in the mid-1960s
The beach today is a far cry from this beautiful picture you see above. Environmental pollution and degradation has defaced what once was a very clean and sandy fun spot.
See the present day altered and dirty Bar Beach after the cut

Sad, huh?

Thursday, January 21, 2016

Saudi Arabia Sentences Palestinian Poet Ashraf Fayadh To Death For Renouncing Islam.

Sara C Nelson The Huffington Post UK

A Palestinian poet and artist has reportedly been sentenced to death by a Saudi Arabian court for abandoning his Muslim faith.
Ashraf Fayadh was first detained by the country’s religious police in 2013 and then rearrested and tried in May 2014.
The court sentenced him to four years in prison and 800 lashes, but an appeal saw a different judge pass a death sentence on Fayadh three days ago, Reuters reports.

Adam Coogle, the Middle East researcher for Human Rights Watch told the agency: “I have read the trial documents from the lower court verdict in 2014 and another one from 17 November. It is very clear he has been sentenced to death for apostasy.”
Fayadh’s conviction is based on a complaints about his 2008 poetry collection Instructions Within and from a prosecution witness who claimed to have heard him cursing God, Islam’s Prophet Mohammad and Saudi Arabia, which is a Gulf Kingdom governed by Sharia law.
He told the newspaper: “They accused me [of] atheism and spreading some destructive thoughts into society.”
Of his poetry book he said it was: “Just about me being [a] Palestinian refugee … about cultural and philosophical issues. But the religious extremists explained it as destructive ideas against God.”
He added: “I was really shocked but it was expected, though I didn’t do anything that deserves death.”
Journalist activist Mona Kareem has been leading a campaign to free Fayadh, who has no legal representation and just 30 days to appeal his sentence.
She tweeted Fayahd has been tried “with fabricated evidence and testimonies”.
A blog by Brian Whitaker published on Al Abab adds: “Fayadh is also said to have angered the religious authorities by having long hair, smoking, and filming the public flogging of a young man in Abha.”
An online petition is calling for Fayadh to be freed.
7 Questions Prince Charles Should Ask While In Saudi Arabia (But Probably Won't)
  • 1 When will women be allowed to make their own choices?
    Saudi women and girls can not travel, conduct business and even undergo certain medical procedures without the permission of their male guardians. The guardianship system remains in force despite the government pledging to get rid of it.
  • 2 When will women be subject to the same laws that govern men?
    FAYEZ NURELDINE via Getty Images
    Women are still barred from driving and are subject to strict clothing requirements in public. A women cannot unilaterally divorce her husband and will often face discrimination when attempting to obtain custody of children.
  • 3 When will migrant workers be treated fairly?
    There are over 9 million migrant workers in Saudi Arabia many working in conditions tantamount to slavery. A sponsorship system is open to abuse from employers who often enforce work by withholding passports and wages.
  • 4 When will Saudi Arabia stop executing people including children?
    Saudi Arabia routinely imposes the death penalty and performs sentences in public. Children can be tried and sentenced if any physical signs of puberty are evident.
  • 5 When will people be allowed to worship who they please?
    Public worship of any religion other than Islam is not tolerated in Saudi Arabia. Additionally, religious minorities are also targeted including those within Islam such as Twelver Shia.
  • 6 When will women be able access sports?
    Saudi Arabia's Shura Council is only just contemplating the possibility of allowing girls to have physical education lessons in schools. Recently a Saudi Arabian official suggested the country would hold a segregated Olympics.
  • 7 When will you stop imprisoning people for defending human rights?
    NICHOLAS KAMM via Getty Images
    Saudi Arabia routinely detains and imprisons activists. Human rights lawyer Waleed Abu al-Khair was jailed for 15 years after assisting international media cover the 2011 protests in Eastern Province. His wife is now also subject to a travel ban after calling for his release.

‘Pastor’ Caught Burying Charm In Abia Ahead Of Crusade [Photos]

A fake pastor identified as Stephen Maduabuchi was caught on Thursday at Umuika Okwu Olokoro in Umuahia, Abia state while trying to bury charm ahead of a church Crusade in the Area. He confessed that a popular Pastor in the area sent him on the “spiritual” mission. The charm was burnt by residents of the area.
Source: National Helm

The Controversial US Republican Presidential Candidate vows to Deport Nigerians and also imprison mugabe if Elected President..... Is this a campaign or enlightenment!

Proud Racist: Donald Trump Republican Presidential Front-runner and American Billionaire, Donald Trump has threatened to evacuate Nigerians from America if he becomes President of the United State of America (USA). he has also put Zimbabwean President Robert Mugabe and Ugandan President on notice, vowing to deal with rthem ruthlessly when he ascends to Presidency. Speaking while addressing war veterans in Washington, Trump warned other like minded dictators who want to die in power, that their time is up and its just a [ ] The post Donald Trump Vows To Put Museveni Mugabe In Prison appeared first on Media Nigeria. Trump issued the threat on Sunday 17th January, 2016  during a rally held at Wichita, Kansas, claiming that: “Nigerians and Mexicans have taken all the jobs meant for honest hard working Americans.” The Presidential Candidate, who tagged Nigeria as a corrupt Nation, noted this as the major reason many Nigerians leave for America. “We need to get the Africans out. Not the blacks, the Africans. Especially the Nigerians. They’re everywhere. I went for a rally in Alaska and met just one African in the entire state. Where was he from? Nigeria! He’s in Alaska taking our jobs. They’re in Houston taking our jobs. “Why can’t they stay in their own country? Why? I’ll tell you why. Because they are corrupt. Their Governments are so corrupt. They rob the people blind and bring it all here to spend. And their people run away and come down here and take our jobs! “We can’t have that! If I become president, we’ll send them all home. We’ll build a wall at the Atlantic Shore. Then maybe we’ll re-colonised Africans because obviously they did not learn a damn thing from the British!” Trump said. His speech was met with a raucous applause by 10,000 strong, predominantly caucasian audience. As at press time, the Federal Government is yet to respond to Trump’s speech. How a racist can have growing ratings in today’s America is nothing short of surprising to me. It just goes to show that racism and discrimination, no matter how free a country America is will around for a long time, especially of Trump becomes President  

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Why Is Jealousy Not Necessarily A Bad Thing?


(Deut. 4:24)
Everyone feels this basic human feeling of jealousy from time to time. The Hebrew Bible tells us that as humanity we are made into the image of God and into his likeness, which basically means that in some ways we are similar to our Maker. It therefore comes as no surprise that God of the Hebrew Bible feels jealous too.
The Hebrew Bible in Exodus 34:14 without any apology says that the LORD’s name is Jealous (יהוה קַנָּא שְׁמוֹ) and He can be called a Jealous God- אֵל קַנָּא )“el kana”(.

Given the fact that the character of God in the Hebrew Bible is the definition of good itself, it follows that the human feeling of jealousy in and of itself is not really bad thing. A true jealousy has a sense of absolute loyalty towards someone, expecting the same commitment in return.

In the Ten Commandments the people of Israel are not forbidden to feel jealous (קנא) or to covet (חמד), which basically means to strongly desire something. Instead, they prohibited to want something that belongs to others (Ex.20:17). If something or someone belongs to you than the feeling of jealousy is fully justified and in fact praise worthy. If it does not, it must be repented of. 

Photo: ‘its like these Runs girls are praying wearing only unddies Undies !!!

Ladies please, our God cannot be mocked..!

Saturday, January 16, 2016


“When i wrote my first open letter to Headies on December 29, 2013, the majority opinions i got was that i was correct while others felt i was just an “Attention seeker”.
Headies as an award should be credibile and not just over hyped. We have hundreds of award shows every year in Nigeria and they are not as controversial as this one. Headies as an award are still not appreciating certain
artiste, producers, entertainers and Dj’s who work 24/7 to make sure they bring out the best. ” They give us the impression that once you are not nominated or you do not win, you have not started your career;This is a BIG LIE.
Over the years, All Ayo Animashaun and HipTv family have proven that it is Money over Integrity and that is why he always ignores the choices of majority of Nigerians or could it be that they innocently don’t even know what they are doing? I am not here to
analyse the faults of headies in full but you can read the other complains on twitter with the hashtag #TheHeadies2015.
Firstly, I noticed your hall was half empty. Your live broadcast that you always brag about had the picture quality of NTA channel 10 and your technical crew were going offline every time things became awkward and they immediately have to switch to “lyrics on the go” to cover up your shame.
I watched BET African awards live and Mtv and I can see a very huge difference in all aspects. You still have a lot to learn. Another disturbing fact is that headies as an award is creating bad blood among colleagues in the Nigerian music scene. Headies is the reason why we have not seen collaborations among certain musicians.
Tell me why Phyno,Davido, Falz, Solidstar and many other music producers and artiste who have been topping charts this year where not recognized? Next Rated Now Of all the categories, this is the only one worth arguing over. Even though this is not a voting category, I stand by million of Nigerians to say that Lil Kesh or Kiss daniel deserve the award. What are the reasons? Lil Kesh has more hit tracks, Swag, Stage performance, Composure and in the long run Lil Kesh may last longer for years to come.
Infact, i will rather invest N10m on Lil kesh career than Reekado’s. That is not to say Reekado is not hardworking or he does not have the talent but lil kesh has that special something. In fact Reekado still does not have any Hit track to date. Yes !!!!! I say that with all sense of authority. Songs like Corner, Sugar baby, Catapult are NOT hit tracks, they are just popular and they could have gone National but they are NOT hit tracks. Dont confuse a popular song with a Hit track. Let me explain, As a DJ if i dont play “Gbese” “Efejoku” “Shoki” “Reggae Blues” “Woju” “Laye” “Godwin” at any party, i will have loads of people coming to request for them but people dont disturb me if i do not play Reekado banks songs. Do you get the point?
In fact another proof Reekado still does not own a hit track is that an average Nigerian parent who do not follow music still know songs like “Woju” “Bobo”, “Ojuelegba” and “Efejoku”. While i was writing this, i played reekado’s songs to the older generation and they claimed never to have heard them.
YBNL VS MAVIN This was actually the most interesting part of the show for those who stayed awake to attend or watch the show.
Now the beef is official and it is part of the bad blood that headies have caused. Olamide was not referring to anybody in particular during Adekunle Gold’s acceptance speech but Don Jazzy had to mention Olamide’s name and the beef became real on twitter with Olamide referring to the Don as a “Bastard”.
Don jazzy should NOT have mentioned Olamide’s name in the first place and saying “he should come and collect the car if he wants”. Now people are taking sides and everyone saw when Olamide threw the microphone away and his beloved “red cup’ he poses with in almost all his music videos. In my own view, It shows how unruly and empty he is intellectually. Olamide wants to be a Kanye west so bad and he feels he can do anything and go scott free. This was the same guy who cursed Linda Ikeji for reporting a story about his “love child” and
claimed it was a rumour till we confirmed it was actually true. Baba Miliano (Olamide) your alter ego Kanye west started becoming responsible when he gave birth, when will you stop sounding like a thug in your songs and be a role model for those who are watching you? You refer to yourself as a Rapper but i say it to your face that you are now a bloody singer so shut up. I wonder why you where not nominated in the R&B category since you are now a professional singer.
Back to the Mavins, If we look at this from another angle, Reekado needs the car more than Lil kesh since Olamide already bought Kesh a black Range Rover sport around March, 2015. Instead of Jazzy to buy his “children’ (as he refers to his label mates) a car, he will be giving out free recharge card on twitter to buy peoples heart. At least Reekado, Korede and Di’ja will stop going around lagos with Cabs. It should be noted that Davido is also a major cause of this, he tweeted it some months back that Lil Kesh should pull a “Kanye” on Headies if he does not win. Kesh was probably too timid so his oga OluwaKanye Olamide did the dirty job
and refered to that as “Fighting for the poor boy” In conclusion All Nigerian artiste and producers, do not place your hope on the Headies which should now be referred to as “The Leggings”.
Do not say because you where not recognized it means you are not trying, keep doing what you are doing and let the headies keep on doing what they are known for – NONSENSE.. !!! Do not forget to send your insults and blessing to the writer @Baddestdjtimmy and tell me exactly how you feel. I also need someone to clear this please, Don Jazzy said ” The organizers told him to call Reekado to come…So he left Alibaba’s show” Does that mean he knew Reeky was going to win that category? Cynthia Morgan was absent and i am sure the organisers did not tell Jude Okoye to tell Cynthia Morgann to rush down there. You be the judge !

Friday, January 15, 2016

NOT Funny as Dammy Krane And Wizkid directly engaged In Physical Fight At Quilox Club


index (20)
According to sources at the club, in the early hours of today Jan. 15th, Dammy Krane, who called Wizkid out on social media a few days ago for allegedly stealing his slangs and lyrics, was attacked by the singer at Obafemi Martin’s All Black party at Quilox night club. Continue..
The two were said to be sitting on the same table with Obafemi Martin and others when the fight broke out. They said Wizkid didn’t like a comment Dammy Krane made at the table and without warning, punched Dammy in the face, some claim he hit Dammy with a glass cup. Dammy picked up a bottle and threw it at Wizkid but missed and before he could do anything else, others got involved and separated the two. Club owner Shina Peller then took them to his office to settle issues.
The two music artists are yet to say anything about the incident on their respective social media pages..
Source: LIBq

Nigerian Girl Goes unclad At Her Traditional Marriage [Photo]

Culture is everything. This lady stunned many of those who attended her traditional marriage ceremony recently when she opted to appear unclad to the amazement of guests during the occasion.
The bride, the daughter of a local chief in the town, bare her oranges at her traditional marriage, an act that is said to be in consonance with an age-long culture of her people.
The event took place somewhere in the Southern part of Nigeria and the girl insisted it’s her culture.

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

New military radio uses soldiers’ bones to send messages

War Games: Battlefield bone conducting radios
A new radio technology lets warfighters talk to each other by harnessing their bones to transmit and listen to messages.
The technology leverages the human body’s natural ability to transmit sound through bone. It takes the bone-transmitted messages and then delivers them directly to the inner ear through the warfighter’s helmet.
Warfighters can both listen to messages and send messages this way – and the tech is the mere weight and size of a small coin.
Made by BAE Systems, the prototype will be on show at the Defence and Security Equipment International show in London next week. The biennial four-day event is the world’s biggest defense and security trade show. More than 30,000 visitors from 121 countries walked the floors at DSEI in 2013.
Communication 2.0
Radios are an essential tool that forces use to communicate with each other and understand the environment where they are working. In the battlespace environment, radios need to be effective amid loud noises from explosions and gunfire – warfighters also need to defend their hearing against the noise volume by wearing sound protection.
With this cutting-edge bone conduction tech, warfighters still send and receive messages while wearing sound protection for their ears.
By looking at the bone conduction used in commercial hearing aids and headphones, BAE was able to reduce both the time and cost to develop its military radio technology.
The company’s military variant of bone conduction tech is lightweight and compact. BAE Systems says that the prototype’s transducer is about the size of a nickel.
How does it work?
The human body can transmit sound through its bones.  Sound waves also travel through the ear canal.
In bone conduction, sound skips the ear drum.  Instead, the tech converts sound waves into vibrations that are sent through the skull bones directly to the place deep inside the ear called the cochlea. At this site, the sound is translated into nerve impulses for the brain to understand.
Google Glass is a commercial example of bone conduction, transmitting information to the user through a transducer that sits next to the ear.
Ballet dancer turned defense specialist Allison Barrie has traveled around the world covering the military,