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Friday, December 4, 2015

Acting Fifa president 'falls asleep' at his own press conference

Some would say these are exciting times at Fifa - a replacement for Sepp Blatter will soon be appointed, talks over expanding the World Cup to 40 teams are being held and two 'high profile' members were arrested just this morning.
Yet it seems none of that has been enough to hold the complete attention of acting president Issa Hayatou.
Video footage of the man in charge of football's world governing body during Blatter's 90-day suspension appears to show the 69-year-old falling asleep. 
The Cameroonian's eyes appear to be closed and his head struggles to stay up before his eyes light up and dart around the room as if checking to see if anyone had noticed. Unfortunately, they had.
It was filmed following his own speech on reforms during a meeting of Fifa's ExCo held in Zurich.

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