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Wednesday, December 9, 2015

What language did Jesus speak?

Read the Languages of Jesus
Discover the Original Languages of the Bible

Jesus and his Jewish apostles lived in a multilingual society, where more than one language was spoken fluently.

So the question is, what 
languages did Jesus speak?

New Discoveries

Jesus and his apostles were able to read Hebrew with ease, since it was routinely used in a synagogal setting for both the reading of the Torah and prayer. But this is not all. There is very solid evidence that now shows that Hebrew was also spoken in Jesus’ day. For example, we now know that people wrote letters and commentaries in Hebrew, which presupposes that they and their readers were able communicate with each other in it.

Old Prejudices

For centuries, it was mistakenly held that the only Semitic language that Jesus had full command of was Aramaic, the language that is similar to, but also significantly different from Hebrew. When New Testament Greek manuscripts stated that Jesus and Paul said something in Hebrew, many of the modern translations (adjusting the ancient text to that which they held historically correct) translated it simply as “Aramaic”. Yet all available evidence argues persuasively that Jesus was in full command of both Hebrew and Aramaic.

New Testament Importance

Hebrew must be studied by those who are interested in both the Old and New Testaments. It is obvious that in order to understand the nuances lost in the translation of the Hebrew Bible/Old Testament, one must engage in serious study of its language. 
Often, however, many don't understood the importance of learning Hebrew and understanding the intricacies of the New Testament as well, because while the Apostles wrote in Judeo-Greek, they usually thought, read, and reflected on the sacred scriptures in Hebrew.

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